Sunday, November 11, 2012

Memory Lane Part I

I started running in 7th grade competitively and I have been racing since 10 years later I just finished my last collegiate race. I can safely say that running has had one of the largest impacts on my life; more than any other activity I have ever done. It has taken me all across the country, and I have taken my love for the sport everywhere I go. It is addicting, no matter how much I hate a hard workout or a bad race I always find my love for the run again. I love the competition, it doesn't make me nervous but instead motivates me because I love to win! I love the thrill of pushing my body and mind to a level I didn't think I could time and time again....I love being the underdog who comes out of no where in a race. I love running.

Now I am not going to stop'd have to cut my legs off, but I now have to do it on my own...without a coach or team to push me, support me, and pull me out of bed in the morning. Now I have to do it on my own, I have to discover a new side of the sport to love. I have to find better self discipline and a motivation outside of competition. (I will race again though!!!) So I went through photos from over the years highlighting some of the best moments cross country and track have brought into my life.

The early years...
Jr. High...I remember how bad those spikes killed
First high school Watermelon Run in 2006...we all dressed up and had our first unofficial race of the season
Watermelon Run 2007, our coach went to Ole Miss so we were MSU their rivals, she didn't think it was as funny...
Where my love for muddy races began, at Bear Creek...and I will always cherish my blue spikes. 

This is the second best running picture my mom ever took...normally she just captures my elbow or turns the camera off 

and the best picture she's taken! I'm in second btw
Most attractive face?? Yes...I think so!
Dewberry Farm...a team tradition

2008 Watermelon Run...and yes I am running with a cast!!

Senior Year of HS 2009
Then comes college....
Freshman Year Cross Country:
Prayer Circle before every race

Conference 2009...I got 8th place!!! and it was muddy :)

The aftermath of a muddy celebration!!! Told you I love the mud
And onto Track season!!!
(Part II)

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