Saturday, October 18, 2014

Abilene State Park, A Long Run

Today I had to do a long run, like every Saturday while training for a marathon. Today’s run was two hours long, so I decided it would be best if I found somewhere new to explore for two hours that was off the pavement. I decided on Abilene State Park which is approximately forty minutes away from my apartment.

Driving through small West Texas towns kicking up dust behind my truck I began to realize this run was going to be quite different then my other trail runs which have been densely wooded and green. When I arrived to the park I looked at the map of all the trails and decided first to run in the main camping section of the park then to cross the highway to make my way to the other side of the park. There was supposed to be Lake Abilene on this side. There is no longer a lake. Parts of the landscape resembled the cracked earth from the movie Holes…piles of dusty tires scattered on the lake bottom and an ominous barrier of cactus protecting further harm from occurring to the dried up lake. It was such a sad sight to take in, but in its desolation it was extremely beautiful.

The dry lake bed.
It was extremely hilly throughout the park

This is what is left of Lake Abilene. 

I was alone on the maintenance trails, and I have never felt so tiny in comparison to my surroundings. The further I ran around and into the dried lake I saw the magnitude of the drought in the lack of water and wildlife. I also ran pretty close to the giant windmills I have only seen from the window of cars up until this point. They are massive! 

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