Sunday, May 3, 2015

On My Way To Transylvania Romania

Quick update on something big happening in only 10 days! This summer I will be moving to Romania! I will be living and working in the small town of Viscri, Romania, in the heart of Transylvania Romania (maybe I’ll meet Dracula!), the site of a fortified wall and church which is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It will be like stepping back in time! I will be living there for three months doing a myriad of activities from writing, touring the town and discovering everything it has to offer, and teaching English to the children of the family that has graciously allowed me to stay in their guest house. I am extremely excited to experience a culture so far removed from mine and learn from the people I have yet to meet! Although accompanying all that excitement is a lot of nerves about overcoming the language barrier, discovering food that I like, and missing my family, my precious dog Tuxedo, and my friends. In the end this is my dream: to travel, work, and write! And if your dreams do not scare you then they are not big enough. In closing I will leave you with a quote I discovered while reading that has become almost a personal mantra of mine in the past year.

“Fear begets fear. Power begets power. I willed myself to beget power. And it wasn’t long before I actually wasn’t afraid.” –Cheryl Strayed, Wild

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