Sunday, January 6, 2013

Memory Lane: Part III

My last track season ever...I ran harder, and faster that season than I ever have before...all the pain was so worth it though!
The water pit!!
Loved this track and this meet and this race!!

Steeplechase girls

Coach Zarate and Coach Holland. I love them both!!

Brooke :)

Conference Champs 3 years in a row...not bad!

This was the most perfect way to end my track and field career; 5 events in two days...and coming out with an individual win and team win made the years of running worth it. I am going to miss training and competing so much, but the memories I have made with this group of girls will last a life time.

Cross Country 2012...The Final Season

Now cross country is my real love...the woods and mud, the hills and packs of runners pushing and panting...the combination doesn't sound appealing but the challenge is wonderful.

Team sports bras for the year

Disney World Invitational!!

The mud and rain didn't stop us from running our mom even rain her first true cross country race

 Conference was a roller coaster of emotions which I discussed in an earlier post; however, we did win!! So that is the end of running in college for me with four conference rings I declare it a success, now onto the next challenges.