Monday, September 24, 2012


So, I am about to graduate in December as some of you might know, and this is extremely nerve wracking. I am trying to figure out what jobs to apply for and where, and if I want to go to graduate school...then there is the continual attempt to perfect my resume and cover letters, and all of this on top of taking 21 hours just so that I can graduate a semester early to save some money. Of course I am also spending close to 3 hours a day training for cross country also!! There is soooo much to do, and yet time is quickly shrinking away into the past. But I am super excited to have finally made some headway on all these efforts. The checklist:

  • Resume (done!!!)
  • Cover Letter
  • Midterms...they begin next week yikes!!
  • 4 regular season meets, hopefully Regional's also
  • Figure out graduate school??
  • Send in job apps/resume
  • The graduation preparations
  • Then there is everyday living and school work
  • Social life?? 
So I am a little overwhelmed at the endless possibilities ahead of me, but I am also extremely excited!!! I am applying at Disney which is SUPER EXCITING!! and that doesn't even do it justice on how exciting that possibility is. Speaking of Disney...only 10 days til I am there :) I am kind of a huge fan of Disney, maybe you can tell.

Despite the massive amounts of unsettled aspects of my life right now, I have realized I am about to embark on a great adventure. I have the world at my fingertips, and the possibilities are endless of where I can choose to go or where life will drag me, so instead of stressing about all the uncertainty my future holds right now...I am choosing to be excited (I know I have used that word so many times in this post already but it is so fitting) and enjoy the journey...not everyday is easy, a lot of them are really hard, but I am trying to make the best of an unpredictable future

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