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Thursday, September 6, 2012

Jacob's Well...A Leap of Faith

This past Saturday I went on an adventure in the hill country with some of my teammates. Ashley and Brittany, and I made our way to Wimberley, Texas. This is an adorable small town that is filled with little shops selling antiques of all sorts...from tools and "vintage" boots to art and furniture. However, our destination was a tad more adventurous...

The day started off with an early morning run of only nine miles...I hadn't run that far in a LONG time, probably a little less than two years so I was pleasantly surprised when I was actually running a good pace right up there with the team :) but when we hit mile eight, I hit the wall and did the death march back around campus to the gym, but I made it!!! An few interesting thing I learned on this run is that intellectual challenging games make the run go by extremely fast and relatively painlessly, and also I have a friend who has constantly explained to me that if you get sweat into your eyes that it burns...I have never believed him fully and thought he was just abnormal (which he is), but he was right about this fact. I guess I had never sweat enough to experience this before this run haha but the problem I had is since I had sweat so much already before I got to this point of blinding burning...I had no part of my body dry enough to wipe it away, and my lovely reflector vest could have been rung out, so it provided no relief either...but it is all ok because I made it! I survived! Immediately after I raced back to my apartment so we could leave to make it to Jacob's Well by ten (it is an hour away)

We packed ourselves a picnic lunch and breakfast to go, hoped in the car, and made our way to Jacob's Well. Now I bet your wondering what is this place they went to??? It is an underwater cave that is spring fed, so it is ice cold and perfectly clear. The fun aspect of visiting is that you can swim in it...and also you can jump into it from the cliffs surrounding it!!! Now the cave has a thirty foot straight drop before curving in and winding its narrow passages for miles underground. If you want to read some scary stories read about the divers who have died exploring this cave....it makes me rethink ever wanting to become a cave diver.

After going on a tour of the surrounding area and hiking to the actual spot of hidden watering hole, we were greeted by some other swimmers who were jumping from the cliffs...it just so happens that the first person we saw jump went from this skinny rock that was really high and far from the actual hole, and we all agreed that was insane to jump from there. Now to clarify, cliff diving is a lot of fun and I have done it before but the kinds I have done was merely just jumping from a cliff into water...however, this was much more complex...you had to jump out quite a ways because it wasn't even close to a straight drop off; also, you had to aim to land in the opening of the cave preferably in the middle because the walls are a bit jagged.

It is beautiful isn't it!!! Well we jumped into it many, many times haha and I'll admit it took me a while to get the courage to jump from the higher rocks, but eventually I did jump from the rock we claimed to be too crazy...multiple times. Although I spent a while preparing mentally and physically before taking a leap of faith!

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