Monday, April 21, 2014

Runner's High

Waiting for the gun.
The shot echoes.
Adrenaline courses through blood.
Hundreds of feet tear at the earth
Scarring the moist trail.
Elbows find their mark between ribs
Lungs burning upon impact.
Spikes gnash sweaty flesh
Ripping into ankles and thighs.
Weather and terrain pitted against
The human body and spirit.

            Rhythmic breathing blends with the wind
            Whooshing through the narrow path
            Untouched ground lies ahead
            Waiting to be conquered
            A rush of invincibility replaces pain
            All the senses focused on a single desire
            The moment engrains itself into memory
As the pace drops effortlessly
Finish line in sight
The crowds muddled cheers hang in the morning air
And the race ends,

But the moment, so sacred
Brings the runner to the line again.

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