Friday, April 25, 2014


Every day I check box #4109
hoping to see another small, yellowed envelope
its size deceiving its content.

I wait for weeks;
they turn into months.

I don’t know where you are,
or who is caring for you.
Anxious about your safety.
All I know is you are not here.

Your letters illustrate stories
of your childhood,
secret dreams and wishes.
They are filled with trust.

The simple bond
between pen and paper
creates our complex
relationship for years.

But the lack of life in the hand
that writes the lines
destroys our growth.

I will forever cherish
the last, little letter
where you wrote of a promise
you can no longer keep.

That wish you had
to be with me eternally
when you came home.

Now I stand here in front
of all your family and friends
speaking about the person you were,
and there is one thing
I want you to know.

That I check box #4109 everyday still
hoping to wake up from this
bad dream. 

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