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Wednesday, August 20, 2014

The Big Move

On Sunday I officially made the move to Abilene where I will be pursuing my Master's in Creative Writing for the next two years, and it didn't really sink in until Monday afternoon that this is my new home for a while.

Abilene is extremely different from Katy/Houston, TX...for starters the humidity has disappeared which is doing wonders for my hair. Bye bye Afro frizz, and hello ringlets!! With the disappearance of humidity the weather must present another challenge and that would be the wind. West Texas winds might possibly be one of my biggest hindrances while running, biking, and driving...there always seems to be a gale force wind present, and it is never a tail wind. Also, it hypothetically should only take you up to 15 minutes to get anywhere in town (yes all the way across town is merely a short drive); however, my drives have been taking considerably longer due to my innate ability to get lost while using a GPS.

During my explorations I have found some pretty nice parks and running areas which I have been testing out and taking Tux to see. His favorite park so far is Red Bud Park which just so happens to have plenty of prairie dogs for him to watch while cowering between my legs! I suppose it is good that he has a healthy fear of them, but it does look ridiculous to be walking a bulldog who is so scared of a 2 lbs rodent.

The other big change is my physical living situation. I am in an apartment with two girls and one of them has two Pugs named Lily and Dobs (brownie points for the Harry Potter reference!) So there is really six of us in our little apartment including the dogs!

School starts on Friday and then I am sure it will be a whirlwind til the end of the semester with marathon training, school, and work. Wish me luck!

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