Thursday, August 23, 2012

Ending Seasons with a Bang!!

It has been about eight months which is too long, but I recently received an email from someone who came across my blog and it has inspired me to start writing again for a multitude of reasons. First, is that I have finally figured out what I really would like to do...write, and this is a perfect place to practice! Since I am graduating in December (yes it is only 114 days away) I better get started. 

Since I have last posted I experienced the most incredible track and field season of my life, and it was by finished by a perfect Conference meet. I won the 3000m steeplechase and broke the school record which brought me to tears because that race has grown to be my "baby" on the track these past three years. I got fourth in the 1500m and beat my personal record; in the 800m I got eighth which was shocking because I can't sprint like most of the other mid-distance runners. I also came in sixth place in the 5000m! My strangest event this past season was the first and only time I competed in the triple goal was to make the pit and not eat track; I succeeded!!! So it was an epic track meet that was more perfect than I could ask for when it came to my final collegiate track and field meet. I walked off the track with no regrets knowing I gave everything I had physically and mentally in that last meet. To top it all off I met all my goals for the season: to win the steeplechase and break the school record and set my own personal record, to earn All Conference honors, and to have TLU track and field win their third consecutive Conference Championship all of which I was a part of!! To sum it all up that track meet will always be one of the best memories I have from running, and reminiscing about it months later still makes me break out into a cheesy grin. 

And now I am currently finishing up my first week of my last semester of is very bitter sweet, I'm excited to move onto a new adventure after graduation but I am going to miss the comfort the classroom has constantly provided for the past fifteen years. I could definitely be a professional student!! It is cross country season this semester also which is certainly filled with my favorite races because I love the challenges different courses present. We have been training for a little over a week now and I can already feel myself getting into shape. I'll admit I didn't run as much as I should have this past summer; although, I was consistently physically active, I did not run as much as I should. That means I just have to train harder these next few months and really take care of my body so that I can end this final season with a bang! 

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