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Saturday, September 24, 2011

Great Gorilla Run of London

So this morning I viewed the Great Gorilla Run of London. The morning started off crisp and cool and as I got off the tube at Monument I looked around confused about where the start of the race was located until suddenly a girl jogs past me holding a gorilla mask. I knew I was in the right place and continued to follow here in as none stalker-ish of a manner as possible. I turn a corner and there is a gathering of about 500 runners sporting gorilla suits all stretching and dancing around in an ape-like manner. There was a drum line of apes playing very loud rhythmic beats to get the crowd pumped up. The gorillas all had their own personal style. Some were dressed in pink bikinis and classic running apparel, but some stood out from the crowd. The Santa, angel and Where's Waldo gorillas attracted a lot of attention from the press.

The Gorilla Run of London is a charity event that is held annually in major cities throughout the UK where runners raise at least 400 pounds to go to a fund to help save the endangered gorillas of the world, and then they all gather after months of fundraising to run a 7K throughout some of the famous sites around the cities they are running in. For instance, in London they run around St. Paul's Cathedral, Tower Bridge, and London Bridge. At today's event there were over a thousand gorillas running and supporting the cause. Whether they do it for the chance to run around the city in gorilla suits or actually to save the gorillas remains a mystery to me, but all I know is I want to bring the Great Gorilla Run to Texas if possible.

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