Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Interesting Internship

Today I traveled to find my internship so I wouldn't get lost tomorrow on my way to my meet and greet. and it proved to be quite a journey. 10 tube stops away and one line change leads me to a more eccentric side of London than I had been acquainted with up to this point. It's a good 15 minute walk from the nearest tube station and takes you down roads lined with fruit and vegetable stands, primary schools, community colleges, and community centers. I saw two of the largest dogs I have ever seen in my life. One was chained to the fence and the other was walking along peacefully, however, they resembled a tiger and were even striped like one. I did successfully find my internship and will be able to make it there tomorrow on my own hopefully. So my meet and greet is tomorrow and laundry day, and I hope to explore Chelsea also.

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